Monday, July 21, 2014

Earn Customer Loyalty With Selfies?

When you think of customer loyalty, “trends” doesn’t immediately come to mind, as trends come and go.  Here’s a great example of how one man is currently cashing in on the selfie trend that just might lead to customer loyalty.

Will this new novelty item be the next “pet rock”?

It’s trendy.  It’s personalized.  And it’s unique.

And it even has the potential for customer loyalty and repeat business since the plates are interchangeable.

Imagine:  each family member will want his/her own selfie on toast.  Or even a variety of selfie pics of the same person.  After all…who wants to eat the same thing every day?

Will it stand the test of time?  Or will it go up in smoke?

Earn Customer Loyalty With Selfies?